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Feeling Lonely? How Do I Manage It?


Have you said one of these statements?  

  • “I feel so alone and isolated.”
  • “I miss my friends”
  • “I miss my spouse”
  • “I would give anything to step back in time and enjoy the holidays of the past”
  • “I feel so disconnected from everyone and everything”
  • “ I am lonely and sad”

For caregivers, feelings isolated and lonely is a common complaint I hear and what I experienced quite often myself and a lot during the holidays.  You feel isolated and withdrawn from your family, friends and your daily routines.   You most likely had to replace time with caregiving duties or you stay behind from activities since your spouse can’t go.  

Some of my very dark, lonely days were 

  • New Year’s Eve with my spouse going to bed at 8pm since he had his chemo treatment that day.  
  • Working from home - I made the decision back in December of 2017 so that I could be closer to...
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