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E228: Breaking Free from Caregiver Overwhelm: Mindfulness and Self-Care Tips


Welcome to the Caregiver Cup Community!

Whether you're a first-time visitor or a loyal listener, I’m so glad you’re here. I started the Caregiver Cup Podcast back in 2020 to share my journey and to help fellow caregivers navigate the challenging and often overwhelming season of caregiving. We know how demanding this role can be, especially when it feels like every moment is consumed by stress.

In this week’s episode, we’re diving deep into a topic that resonates with so many of us: Breaking the Cycle of Overwhelm. This cycle—where stress leads to more overwhelm, and overwhelm leads to more stress—can feel inescapable. But I want to assure you, there are ways to manage and even break free from this cycle.

Recognizing the Cycle of Overwhelm

Have you ever planned your day perfectly, only to have one unexpected event throw everything off balance? Maybe you had a plan to start your day with a peaceful walk, but then a phone call from the...

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E50: Why don't I have the energy like I used to?


Have you said to yourself :  Why don’t I have the energy like I used to have?   Or, I am so tired all the time.   

It’s called caregiver fatigue.   This occurs when you feel emotionally and physically exhausted.  You are wearing out.  You are feeling totally used up due to too many demands.  You are burning out.

  • What are your emotional demands?   Your loved one is sick and you can’t make them better.  They demand an extreme degree of physical and emotional care.
  • What are your conflicting priorities?   Who else needs your time and energy?   Your family, your children, your boss, your employees, your co-workers,  Trying to meeting everyone’s needs creates conflict and stress.  
  • Do you feel ambiguity in your new normal?  You really don’t know exactly what to do, meaning your roles and responsibilities.   
  • You workload.  What’s on your plate? ...
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