6 weeks to your personalized caregiver transformation

Empowerful Caregiver School


Don't waste another day with feelings of overwhelm, frustration and anger 

TODAY IS THE DAY!  Stop wishing for better days and start your journey to a better caregiver life where you can enjoy your Loved One and embrace caregiving with moments of joy.  

With the Empowerful Caregiver School, you're never alone on this journey. It's a nurturing hub of guidance and unwavering support, carefully crafted from my 7 years of hands-on caregiving experience, my role as the host of the Caregiver Cup podcast, and my extensive coaching journey spanning over 50 clients just like you.

But it's more than just guidance; it's about arming you with the tools you need to become an Empowered Season 3 Caregiver. Throughout the program, we'll work together to build a personalized toolkit tailored to your unique situation. This toolkit will empower you to confidently navigate the challenges of caregiving while nurturing your own well-being. It's time to step into your role as an Empowerful Caregiver and forge a path to a brighter, more fulfilling journey.


6 weeks to your personalized caregiver transformation

Empowerful Caregiver School

Don't waste another day with feelings of overwhelm, frustration and anger 

TODAY IS THE DAY!  Stop wishing for better days and start your journey to a better caregiver life where you can enjoy your Loved One and embrace caregiving with moments of joy.  

With the Empowerful Caregiver School, you're never alone on this journey. It's a nurturing hub of guidance and unwavering support, carefully crafted from my 7 years of hands-on caregiving experience, my role as the host of the Caregiver Cup podcast, and my extensive coaching journey spanning over 50 clients just like you.

But it's more than just guidance; it's about arming you with the tools you need to become an Empowered Season 3 Caregiver. Throughout the program, we'll work together to build a personalized toolkit tailored to your unique situation. This toolkit will empower you to confidently navigate the challenges of caregiving while nurturing your own well-being. It's time to step into your role as an Empowerful Caregiver and forge a path to a brighter, more fulfilling journey.


What if you could go from stuck and hopeless 

to a caregiver life you feel you have under control

And you feel good about your Loved One's care and most importantly yours?  

Have you been wondering how...


... to navigate the overwhelming chaos of caregiving while maintaining your own well-being?   I understand, because I've been there too.

One tipping moment comes to mind: I was in the shower after a long, chaotic day that included taking both my dad and spouse to their oncology appointments and chemotherapy sessions. I juggled my full-time job, working a few hours before and after the appointments. Later, my mom called to say my dad was very sick, and my spouse wasn’t feeling well either. On top of that, I had to deal with insurance forms and medical records. Sitting on the stoop of the shower, I completely lost it.

The word "stress" didn't even begin to cover the heavy load I was carrying.

And the good news?

you don't have to do it alone!

The truth is...

Millions of women find themselves thrust into the role of caregiver, often at times when they least expected it. The journey of caregiving is a mosaic of emotions - from the profound rewards to the exhausting challenges, from moments of sadness to life-changing experiences. If you're reading this, 

I want you to know you are not alone on this path.

Imagine if ...

You had a guiding light to lead you through the maze of caregiving, someone who's not just an advocate for caregivers but has lived the journey herself. I'm Cathy, your partner in empowerment, and....

I understand the unique landscape of caregiving because I've walked it too.

Let me ask you this ...

If I asked you what you yearn for right now, what would it be? Maybe it's the burning wish for your loved one's recovery, or the deep longing your old life. Perhaps you're caught in the swirl of auto-pilot, feeling stuck and yearning for change.

The truth is, caregiving is a complex journey, one that doesn't yield to quick fixes or magical solutions. But here's the beautiful part: you have the power within you to navigate this path with strength, resilience, and newfound joy. Empowerful Caregiver School is here to guide you step by step, to provide you with the tools, insights, and...

a community of fellow caregivers who understand.

Together ...

We'll uncover the untapped potential within you. Through my 7+ years of caregiving experience, hosting the Caregiver Cup podcast, and coaching over 50 incredible caregivers like you, I've seen transformation in action. I've witnessed caregivers turning adversity into empowerment, stepping into their strength, and...

embracing moments of joy amid the challenges.


Are you ready to...

Rewrite your caregivng story.  Let's embark on this journey of empowerment together, because you deserve a life filled with care, compassion, and...

most importantly, self-empowerment.

Introducing The Empowerful🩷 Caregiver School

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Embark on a transformational journey to redefine your caregiving narrative.

It's more than an experience—it's your key to unlocking empowerment, connection, and the tools to thrive.

Dive deep into your caregiving roles, challenges, and stress, and create a personalized toolkit to become the empowered caregiver you aspire to be. With engaging videos, a journal workbook, a supportive community, and biweekly coaching, you'll have everything you need to elevate your caregiving story.



The Lifeline I Needed 

I am so happy to have found the Caregiver Cup.  It was, and is, the life raft that I so needed. Prior to enrolling in the Empowerful Caregiver School, my mom had a stroke and all of our lives changed overnight. I was thrown into a fulltime caregiver position and she my patient/loved one. I wasn't prepared for such a commitment and, although I was happy and able to do it, it quickly became overwhelming for a variety of reasons.  I'm embarrassed to say that I was becoming scared, resentful and tired...  
This course, my many interactions with Cathy and the podcasts have been a game changer for me.  I couldn't be happier with the ease, the thoroughness and the effectiveness of the program.  Oh, and I don't feel alone in my journey anymore.  Thank you so much!


~Kim Daffin


XYZ has given me so much time back

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~Jane Doe

Waiting for you inside

Self-Paced Video Training

Immerse yourself in empowering video lessons delivered to your inbox regularly. Each lesson guides you through profound insights and practical strategies, igniting your caregiving evolution.

Accompanied by interactive workbook pages, you'll delve into thought-provoking questions that pave the way for self-discovery and growth.

Bi-weekly Group Coaching

Participate in our bi-weekly interactive Zoom sessions for a personalized coaching experience. Engage with fellow caregivers, ask questions, and receive tailored insights and guidance for your caregiving journey. It's your opportunity to connect, learn, and grow together in a supportive community.

Supportive Community

Join an exclusive private Facebook community where kindred caregivers unite. This is your sanctuary of empathy, strength, and shared experiences. Embrace connections with fellow caregivers who understand your journey intimately. Celebrate triumphs, exchange advice, and find solace in camaraderie. Our community is your constant source of support, ensuring you never walk this path alone.

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What you'll learn

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Begin your empowered caregiving journey by setting a strong foundation.

In five engaging video lessons, you'll explore the distinct phases of caregiving, learn to balance multiple roles, and embrace your unique skills and talents. You'll also discover the importance of prioritizing self-care and engage in meaningful conversations with fellow caregivers to gain personalized insights and feedback. Join us to build the essential understanding and skills you need to thrive as a caregiver.


In this pivotal module, you'll embark on a transformative journey to overcome overwhelm, reshape your beliefs, and cultivate a resilient mindset.

You'll identify the three stages of caregiver stress and reflect on your current state. Discover the five buckets of overwhelm and develop actionable strategies to regain control of your emotional landscape. Learn about the power of your vagus nerve and its profound effects on your well-being. Shift your mindset by challenging limiting beliefs, ultimately finding a newfound sense of empowerment. 

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This module focuses on protecting your precious time, revitalizing your energy, and letting go of people-pleasing patterns.  You'll step into a more balanced and fulfilling caregiving experience.

Reclaim your schedule and prioritize caregiving tasks with personalized time strategies. Reinvent your self-care practices to replenish your vitality. Identify the true value of your time and energy with three powerful mindset shifts. Discover techniques to streamline your routines and create more breathing space.


Embrace self-love, align your caregiving with your values, and make conscious choices that empower you and your Loved One.

Explore your core values to ensure your caregiving approach reflects what truly matters. Set healthy boundaries by recognizing and addressing your people-pleasing tendencies. Take control of your reactions to foster a sense of agency.Gain insights into long-term caregiving with strategies to maintain your well-being and tailor your approach for a more fulfilling experience.

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Become a confident advocate by harnessing the power of advocacy, effectively communicating, and building a robust team. 

Explore the fundamental aspects and roles of advocacy and understand the intricacies of your Loved Ones' needs and your own. Learn strategies to tackle challenges proactively and manage situations confidently. Develop effective communication skills with clarity and empathy. Build a supportive caregiving team by gathering resources, connecting with professionals, and engaging your community.


Celebrate your progress, embrace your identity as an empowered caregiver, and face the future with confidence and resilience.

This module brings everything together, providing you with the tools and insights to build your bridge to becoming a Season 3 caregiver.

Navigate setbacks with resilience, transform obstacles into growth opportunities, and find strength despite misunderstandings. 

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What you will learn

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

Program Investment


  • 32 Empowering videos across 6 modules (valued at $990)
  • Interactive workbook journal with personalized tools and resources (valued at $290)
  • Bi-weekly live group coaching calls (valued at $950)
  • Private & supportive Facebook community (priceless!)


2 Monthly Payments of $127 USD



Single Payment of $247 USD


But that's not all!

Let's Talk Bonuses  

Elevate Your Caregiving Journey

Fast Track Your Well-being

Bonus 1:   Goodbye Caregiver Burnout Masterclass

Dive into the transformative "Goodbye Caregiver Burnout" masterclass.  In this exclusive video, you'll discover:

  • How to identify caregiver stress and burnout.
  • Unlock three powerful shifts to change your caregiving life.
  • Learn actionable steps to prioritize these shifts.

Elevate your caregiving journey with this invaluable masterclass, available now!

 (value at $97)
Bonus 2:  Personalized Coaching Sessions 

Enjoy two personalized coaching sessions with Cathy—one at the start of your program and one at the end. Each 30-minute session is designed to help you identify your goals and strategies for the program.

This is your chance to ask questions, share your story, and work towards becoming the Season 3 caregiver you want and deserve to be.

We will focus on your strengths, skills, challenges, and possibilities to ensure your caregiving journey is as empowered and fulfilling as possible

(value at $194)

Bonus 3: Lifetime Access & Ongoing Support

It's the ultimate bonus for Empowerful Caregiver School Students!

Gain lifetime access to the entire program, including all future updates, our supportive community group, and bi-weekly coaching sessions. Caregiving is a journey with its ups and downs, and this bonus ensures you can revisit the content whenever needed and join the coaching sessions for community support whenever you require it.

Stay connected, stay supported, and continue to grow as an Empowerful Caregiver with this invaluable lifetime resource!

(value is priceless!)

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Need some peace of mind?

If you’re on the fence or if other courses have left you less than impressed, I’m giving you a full 30 DAYS to go through the trainings, try new habits, and start seeing your transformation and shift… before fully committing.

If you try Empowerful Caregiver School for 30 days and it’s not for you, I’ll give you every penny back. 👛

I’m that confident that when you implement what you’ll learn, you’ll see small steps that make a huge impact, and you won’t want to give this program up. (Not that I’d try!) You have nothing to lose and more joy, energy, and shifts to gain that you very much deserve.  For more details on this special guarantee, click here.


Frequently Asked Questions

Hey, I'm Cathy

Caregiver, Wife, Mom, Grandma, CEO of The Caregiver Cup, and Passionate about... 

...creating personalized habits for caregivers that protect their well-being and enhance their caregiving experience.

After years of caregiving for both my parents and my spouse over the last seven years, I felt called to share my experiences, lessons learned, and strategies to help others on this journey. Caregiving can be incredibly lonely, and resources are often limited. I know firsthand that many of my successes were self-taught through trial and error. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work because each caregiver, loved one, and challenge is unique.

I’m here to help you shift your mindset, develop a personalized roadmap, and provide the support you need. By validating your emotions and challenges, I aim to help you create personalized habits that protect your well-being, so you can show up as your best self. As a retired adult education professional and now a passionate entrepreneur, podcaster, and digital course creator, I am constantly striving to be a better person by prioritizing my well-being, and I want to help you do the same.

Program Investment


  • 32 Empowering videos across 6 modules (valued at $990)
  • Interactive workbook journal with personalized tools and resources (valued at $290)
  • Bi-weekly live group coaching calls (valued at $950)
  • Private & supportive Facebook community (priceless!)
  • BONUS 1: Goodbye Caregiver Burnout Masterclass (valued $97)
  • BONUS 2: Personalized Coaching Session (valued $194)
  • BONUS 3: Lifetime Access & Ongoing Support (priceless)

Total program value $2,521


2 Monthly Payments of $127 USD



Single Payment of $247 USD