E200: Celebrating 200 Episodes: Unveiling the Strength Inside Every Caregiver's Story


Hello, and welcome to this special episode, a milestone, the 200th installment of the Caregiver Cup Podcast. I'm thrilled to share this journey with you and delve into the essence of our caregiving community.

Our story began in October 2020 as The Caregiver Wife Podcast, a personal endeavor to share the lessons learned while navigating the challenging terrain of caregiving. What started as a coping mechanism evolved into a passion project—more than just filling your cup; it's about empowerment, becoming your best self, and discovering strategies to enhance this caregiver life.

Let's take a moment to reflect on our evolution. We've been recognized, ranking 34th in FeedSpot's 80 Best Caregiver Podcasts and in the top 10% globally according to Listen Score. With 182 solo episodes and 18 guests, including spouses, siblings, authors, health professionals, activists, and working women, the podcast has become a diverse tapestry of experiences.

 Thank you for the reviews, emails, and connections. Your caregiver stories warm my heart—challenges, victories, determination, and courage. Your feedback is a ray of sunshine, reminding me of the impact our community has.

The podcast has evolved, and so have we. A couple of heartfelt reviews emphasize the podcast's impact, proving that it's not just a listening experience but a source of inspiration and support.

 Now, let's address some listener questions. Sarah, your struggle is acknowledged. Recognizing burnout is a significant step. Transform your mindset by asking why, find the root cause, and work on solutions. Small steps, like a weekly walk, can lead to significant changes.

Kaylee, your dual caregiving journey is commendable. Guilt is normal but retrain your brain. Acknowledge, find the root, and cope. Focus on the benefits of your decisions, prioritize self-care, and know you're doing your best.

Each caregiver's journey is unique. Don't compare years; focus on what works best for you....

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The Two Ways You Become A Caregiver


There are two ways you become a caregiver:  

The first I call the creeper.   Maybe you can think of a better word…..    

1.  Caregiving often creeps up on you.  

It may start with dropping by your mom’s house and doing her laundry or taking your dad to a doctor’s appointment.  You find yourself doing the grocery shopping or refilling prescriptions.  Gradually, you are doing more and more.  At some point, you realize you have a commitment to take care of someone else

I can relate with my Mom aging.  Soon she won’t be driving. 

Or for others 

2.  The Sudden Event

Sometimes caregiving is triggered by a major health event, such as a stroke, heart attack, or accident.  Maybe you suddenly realize that dad’s memory lapses have become dangerous.  

The Sudden Events for me was my spouse showing me lumps in his groin area and under his arms.  We made an appointment and it all started.  Another -   It was that phone call from my parents saying that Dad’s needs an endoscopy because his CT scans showed an enlarged pancreas and spots on his liver.  Another,  it was taking my husband for knee surgery and getting the instructions of care.

Life as you know it stops, and all your energy goes to caring for your loved one.  Caregiving has become your new career, and you adjust to a new normal.  

We as caregivers are spouses, partners, adult children, parents, other relatives, siblings, aunts, nieces, nephews, in-laws, grandchildren, friends, and neighbors.    Did I miss any - if I did, drop me a DM @cathylynnvan on IG or on my business page on FB at The Caregiver Cup.  

Whatever your relationship with the person, you’re caring for, it’s important that you add the title CAREGIVER to the list of things you are.  Without identifying yourself as a...

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